Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Invisible Battle Part 3

Here is the second response

from the Inner Circle aka Mac aka MrPoe etc...

WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2009 (11:54 PM)

Debunking "TheLiberator" Part 2

(I'm feeling

Now where was I? Oh yes...bringing education to the less fortunate.

Let go through TheLiberator's inanities one by one. I'll put TheLiberator's comments in blue, because I'm a bad motherfucker and can do shit like that.

"The Invisible Battle Part 2" (Also known as, "The Invisible Evidence")

Here is my response Mac aka methodofmac aka LEADER of the IC aka Inner Circle

The sock account TheLiberator3.0 was not Methodofmac. I should know, because I created it, to prove a point. One that to no one's surprise, flew straight over your head.

My dear friend Mac aka methodofmac aka LEADER of the IC aka Inner Circle

You my friend are the only one in this conversation that has shown their hand.

That's one...

You have let your EGO blind your common sense.

How do I know it is you Mac aka methodofmac aka LEADER of the IC aka Inner Circle.

This should be good...

The most obvious thing to every one who knows how the Inner Circle works

First of all, no one outside the Innercircle knows how it works. THAT is a fact. That you are a mindless tool is yet another fact. But I digress...

is the FACT that if this InnerCircle3.0 account was not made and operated

by the Inner Circle, then you and all of the Inner Circle would have been

ALL OVER this blog posting comments that the InnerCircle3.0 account

was a fake and I need to take this down or bad stuff will be

happening to me etc. etc.

Still don't get it, do you? You're irrelevant. The only reason I'm taking the time to respond to you right now is that at least a dozen people are laughing their ass off reading this as I tear you a new asshole for you to breathe with.

Secondly, there are numerous sock accounts of everyone from the Innercircle floating around LV, most made by your jellydick friends the shape shifters. You even attacked one of these socks who took my name, remember? MRPOED

Did I respond there, either thanking you or daming that sock, which has been around a year? Nope. Again, you don't get it. We don't care.

This is the first place that Mac aka methodofmac aka LEADER of the IC aka Inner Circle messed up and showed your hand.

That's two...

Now lets talk about the second place where Mac aka methodofmac aka LEADER of the IC aka Inner Circle messed up and showed your hand.

That's three... Ok, I'm just going to drop it here, even though you use that phrase again below. I worded TheLiberator3.0 blog in a very special way for a reason. You've taken the bait, as I knew you would, and didn't disappoint me. You've shown without a doubt, that you are incapable of holding your own in a debate, and like a small child that learns a new phrase, decided to pepper your response over and over again with variations of "show your hand."

Fucking hilarious. It also proved that that particular phrase stuck home, again, as I knew it would. Thanks, BTW.

You talk about two situations above where I have come after you.

The SECOND situation that you refer to is what is going on at this time

here in this blog.

Which from the start, has been out in the open for the whole community

to see.

The FIRST situation that you talk about was only known by three people.

Mac aka methodofmac, the person involved and I.

Uh, wrong, dumbass. Apparently, you have the memory of a colostomy bag. If you recall, September 26, 2008 to be exact, an LV user who I shall not name at this time, put up a blog about being "attacked" in her live room. (This blog has since been taken down.) Some morons, you included, decided to pin the blame publically, on Methodofmac. Here are two of the comments from that blog:

Oh, what's that above? Actual PROOF? You should try it some time. Again, the allegation was quite public, and you can ask the current mod for your stat-enabled live room Littlestar about it, as I had a few heated words about the incident with her. As I recall, I phoned Mac that day, who was busy canvassing for Obama in Colorado, and no where near a computer all day. So yeah, when I say you have a wild hair up your encrusted ass about the IC in general and Mac in particular, it's not without precident.

Let's continue with TheLiberator's education:

Your biggest mistake was trying to blackmail me into deleting my account.

Again, dumbfuck here is referring to the troll, innercircle3.0. Which is not Mac, but no one cares at this point anyway.

How about a little dose of reality tv.

Check out the link below to see Mac aka Inner Circle doing their dirty deeds on another person.

Open your EYES to the TRUTH.

Great work Chaos Master and the Shape-Shifters.

Here we see TheLiberator and David D. from the Shifters share the same pea brain. I invite everyone to watch the video above, as this proves a point from back then, and proves the current point right now. The above video was an APRIL FOOL'S VIDEO. A-P-R-I-L F-O-O-L-S. For those of you that are as clueless as TheLiberator and Testes No Mas, here's a wiki link explaining exactly what "April Fools" means:


Now, this is very important, so I'll type slowly so TheLiberator can follow along without too much difficulty.

Did the nudes of KB82


No. Not even to this day.

Did the nudes TheLiberator has been bleating about for two weeks now


No. Even though TheLiberator has claimed that they would drop if her account wasn't deleted.

Ok class, the summary is coming up; pay attention.

The FIRST INSTANCE was an April_Fools_Day prank.

The SECOND instance was a successful trolling of TheLiberator that she's so pissed about, she's still talking about it two weeks later. And leveling unfounded charges, as well.

In BOTH INCIDENTS, neither party was ever hurt. The only one hurting is TheLiberator. That comes from having the truth continually shoved up one's ass.

I find it funny, Liberator, that you stand with those Shifters who have been responsible for the most attacks on women ever seen on LV and elsewhere. David D-Chaosmaster-jdsonic was banned from moarvideo for issuing death threats against a woman From moarvideo chat last year. Name of victim obscured::

And that's not the first time he's threatened the life of a woman, either:

And hey, what about your good buddy, CanEHdianRocker3.0? It was only two short weeks ago that Mac and I confronted him over attacking a woman via emails. That woman's name won't be dropped here, but it's the SAME woman whom you are defending.

Hmm, now why would she turn to Mac in a time of need, if he's is this awful attacker you're trying to build him up to be?

Class dismissed.

I will have a response to this later.

I do have something to say right now.

This reminds me of a tactic used in trial.

When a lawyer doesn't have a case to stand on he will gather up the biggest pile of shit that he can get and then sling it all over the courtroom.

His tactic is that so much shit will be thrown out in front of the jury that he will cause them to have a distorted view of what really did happen and therefore loose track of what the truth really is

Dear Inner Circle aka Mac aka MrPoe aka etc....

I really think that the people who really look CLOSE at what you have put before them in your blog above WILL see thru it and see the truth that is hidden right in front of everyones eyes.

I will be back to point those things out in case someone has a problem in seeing what is really going on in your post above.

A new video to watch while you wait.

Please do not watch this video if you are eating. Just saying.

Mac does what to your mother ???

My dear friends Inner Circle aka Mac aka MrPoe aka etc....

Is some one starting to SWEAT ?

Here is a video that they just sent.

OMG Inner Circle aka Mac aka MrPoe aka etc....

Is this the best video you could come back with.

Well let me get us BACK on TRACK .

Let us listen to a person that has first hand experience with the

Inner Circle aka Mac aka MrPoe aka etc......


This blog continues on The Invisible Battle Part 4.

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